Looking to be a Head Football Coach? 6 Things needed to build a successful Program

Episode #3 - Looking to be a Head Coach? These are the six things I believe are needed to build a successful Football program:


?1. Players who will commit to the process. THE CTP APPROACH:

C – CommitCommitment is the difference between a dream and a goal. Successful football requires a strong commitment by a large group of people. (Team)

T – Trust:  Trust the Process, your Coaches and Teammates. Build a foundation of Brotherhood. On this TEAM-We stand-up for each other, we are loyal to each other, we protect each other through the good and the bad, we’re always about US, not about ME. WE BELIEVE IN EACH OTHER!

P – Prepare:  If you want to succeed you have to do the work. Each competitive instance presents a price to pay for success. If you haven’t earned enough to cover that price, you can’t buy the win. You can’t put winning on a credit card. It has to be paid, in full, in advance.  Some people dream of worthy accomplishments; others stay awake and do them.

?2. Parents who believe and support your culture.

You need a group of parents who buy in to your process, who support you in fundraising, team building activities, stress to their sons that grades, off season weight-training and conditioning along with attending in season practice are all important parts of the process and building a education based athletic program.

Listen to the podcast or hit this link for the remaining 4 things need to build a successful program. 

Review our Website www.CoachPFootball.com  for additional Football Resources with everything you need to build a successful program and improve your coaching knowledge. Playbooks, Drill, Videos, Practice Scripts, organizational forms and more.

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Have a great Coach Them Up!



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