Choosing your Offensive and Defensive Scheme

Welcome this is Coach P – Jim Pusateri and your listening to building a football program podcast, Thank You for downloading Episode #12 – Choosing your Offensive and Defensive Scheme

Choosing your Offensive and Defensive Scheme where do you begin? First with your staff and their experience; can you come to a consensus of what you want to run. Offensively there are some many schemes and defensively there are several options so what fits for your program?

Hi this is Coach P – Jim Pusateri and this podcast is dedicated to helping you build a successful football program. We will cover all facets of building a program, whether your looking to become a head coach, or you’re in your first year or even if you’re a seasoned veteran we will share proven information and updates on developing a successful football program for the long haul.

This podcast comes out every other Saturday were ever you download your podcast be it I-Tune’s, Sticther, Spotify, shout engine or at our podcast home on the internet at



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Check out our other Podcast: Good Morning Minute of Inspiration. Building the Mental Toughness to Succeed.

Have a great day and Coach Them Up!


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